Clan Association Information
Chief of the Clan:
Madame Pauline Hunter of Hunterston 30th Laird Clan Seat: HUNTERSTON CASTLE Ayrshire, Scotland Motto: Cursum Perficio ("I will complete the course") Plant Badge: Sea Pink America Maritima The Clan Officer in Canada is: Tom Hunter 61 Downing Cres. London, Ontario N6C 3C7 All Officers serve voluntarily without financial reward The Clan Hunter Association was founded in 1970 by the late 29th Laird Neil Hunter of Hunterston and his eldest son, Charles Hunter of Hunterston, younger. The aim of the Association is to provide a focal point for the activities of all the members world-wide. Hunterston Castle provides the perfect centre for the Clansfolk. Restoration earlier this century has ensured the Castle is in an excellent stage of preservation while retaining most of its original features. Any member may visit the Castle by arrangement. Clan Gatherings are held every three years at Hunterston to strengthen the traditions of the clan and foster a sense of togetherness. The Association is also represented at Highland Gatherings in North America, Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Several national associations publish their own newsletter |